

I watched the movie Titanic again. The movie first came out in the theaters when I was in 5th grade and what a contrast watching it then and watching it now. In fifth grade all that was going through my mind was “Whoa! This movie is PG-13 and it shows BOOOBIES!!~” hahaha. What a dork! But watching it now I had all these thoughts running through my mind and I can appreciate it a bit more.

The Grandness of Titanic
It is a pretty amazing feat to build a luxury liner and a ship of that magnitude. The grandness of the ship was truly remarkable and amazing. I can’t believe all the resource and man power that was poured into building a ship that size to travel across the Atlantic from South Hampton to New York.

The Hubris
It really wasn’t an iceberg that sank the Titanic. As magnificent as the ship was, it was the arrogance of the claim that a ship is “unsinkable” that made the ship sink. I mean… really? C’mon! What ship that a man builds is unsinkable? It’s funny because when the iceberg hits this “unsinkable” ship, the designer then goes on to say in the movie….”This ship will go down. It is a mathematical certainty”. I believe that the desire to impress the world and marvel at the speed of the Titanic by pushing it’s engines is what made the Titanic sink.

Women and Children
On the Titanic, the life boats were for the women and children. The men were left behind on the ship to sink with it. I really wonder if this would be the case today in this day in age. A question that arises of those who take the position that there is no distinctions between gender, how would this play out? With gender roles being blurred, who gets left behind and who goes on the lifeboat? For me if I were on that ship with my mom, dad, and sister, as much as I hate the cold and as freezing the water may be, my mom and sister are going on the lifeboats, while my dad and I stay behind. I would not allow my mom and sister to die on the ship while I myself go safely to shore on a lifeboat. That’s just ridiculous!

The Difference between Jack and Cal
Cal cannot see Rose for who she is. He doesn’t know where her passions lie, nor where her heart is. Primarily because he’s just not concerned. He is oblivious because everything for Cal goes towards his selfish ambition to get what he wants, never the other way around. In his mind he thinks that he can buy his way to her heart. But this is how he views every aspect of his life. He says that “He makes his own luck” as if he can buy his way through life (even getting on a lifeboat). Also, when things don’t go his way, he cannot bear to see things go right for someone else. That’s why he tells Jack that he always wins when Rose goes on that lifeboat without them. In his heart, if he can’t have her, neither can Jack.

I also can’t believe how selfish Rose’s mom is forcing her to marry someone like Cal. She cares more about that luxurious lifestyle and her status more than the well-being of her own daughter.

Jack on the other hand sees Rose for who she is. The good, the bad, and the ugly. He even tells her that she’s a spoiled brat, but underneath all that she is this amazing woman. Jack cares for the well-being of Rose, more than he cares for himself. To Jack, Rose is a treasure to be cherished and he is thankful to have her and considers himself lucky. He says that “Winning that ticket was the greatest thing that happened to him, because it lead him to her” or something along those lines. He understands that he is not entitled to anything, but grateful for the air he has in his lungs and that life is a gift.

I also thought about the difference Cal and Jack is that one offers SECURITY, while the other offers ADVENTURE. It’s interesting because these two guys are on both extreme ends of this spectrum. Cal on one hand is extremely financially secure but Rose says that she felt trapped, feeling as her life has already been lived out and even attempts suicide! While Jack is poor as a joke, but lives life day to day not knowing what the day has to offer.

An Ocean of Secrets

In the end of the movie, the old Rose says that a woman is an ocean full of secrets and she looks to her granddaughter and tells her that she hasn’t even told her grandfather her story. I think about that and I can believe it. I understand that everyone has their secrets and somethings are better left unsaid. That’s fine. It’s just somewhat frightening to me if this is true that it’s an OCEAN full of secrets and not a lake, or a pond, or a puddle. The metaphor of an ocean is just so vast and deep and wide. I also think… Girl!~ how many secrets can you have? I don’t know about you, but if I was that grandfather, I would’ve liked to have known if you were once engaged to someone and on your boat ride, you left him and fell in love with another guy, who died rescuing you.

Now Time to Watch the Sequel!! Can’t WAIT!!