

It’s interesting the types of clients I encounter. Sometimes you come across a client who think they know what they are doing and they tell me exactly how to design. They tell me their “brilliant” concept, they order me to use certain colors, they tell me how it should look, what typeface it should be in. These are the worst types of clients you can have. Because they really are not the client, they are the designer. And you have to ask them why they hired me in the first place, when they think they can do everything themselves and are unwilling to reason. And although they do not know much about design, they think that they do and that’s the worst part.

I thought this was just common in the area of the visual arts, because for some reason people think that they are brilliantly creative because they took an art class in college or own photoshop. But I talk with my dad and he tells me stories about how his patients tell him how to treat them. They diagnose their own problem, they give themselves a prescription and the solution, and they order him to carry out the task. And that's just ridiculous. Cause what do they know right?

But I also think this is how alot of us treat God and is our attitude towards Christ. Rather than have Him tell us what’s wrong with us, we diagnose our ourselves. We order Him around. Or worse, we say there is nothing wrong with us. Rather than have Him save us, we try to do good things to try and save ourselves. And we consider ourselves brilliant for doing so.

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