
Thus Far

See that guy on the way right wearing green with the stupid smirk on his face?.... Yep. That's me!

I was browsing through the old GNC website and came across these archived photos. The photo above was taken in 2005 when I was fresh out of HS. It was my first retreat at GNC as an 18 year old kid. I was arrogant, naive, ambitious, and excited. Some of the best combination of traits you can put together for disaster. haha! Anyways... I tried to remember what it was like and all the things that I was going through at the time and questions I had for my future...

At that time in my life I was praying for three things.

1. Church. Which one do I go to?

2. Art Center. Is this where I am supposed to be? Am I ready?

3. Girl. I like! Should I pursue?

In hindsight is 20/20... But seeing how all these unknown things at the time played out, it brings me such clarity and joy to how much God works in our lives and how sovereign He is. Even in the little details. All of these things were unknown to me and who knows what the future holds, but it's all in God's hands and as Phil Wickham's song suggests, we are safe in His arms! [insert body worship here]

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